Day 438 – Friday 7th July 2006 – Part Two

I was at the hospital 8.30am until 1pm and 5.45pm until 7.45pm. I blogged after the first visit. Here is the update for the 2nd visit.
kp no longer has the morphine drip on and is a bit more with it, although you can tell it’s still not quite out of her system. When I arrived, she had had her starter, which meant it was perfect timing for me to eat her main course. I knew she wouldn’t want it, which she didn’t.

Unfortunately, the nurses had felt that a steak would be too much for Karen and had cancelled that part of the order. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

After Karen’s melon (starter) and fruit salad (dessert), she wanted her cup of tea sitting up. With the nurses in the room, we got kp sitting upright on the side of the bed (it’s tricky to go to a chair with the stomach drain and the catheter bag). She was scared of the pain that may come about, but the nurses were loaded with good tips. Basically, kp had to consciously relax her stomach muscles as when they tense up is when it is painful.

So, as we (3 of us) got her sitting upright, all you could hear was kp saying (outloud) “Relax”, “Relax”, “Relax”, “Relax”, “Relax”. Quite funny.

We got her sitting. The nurses left the room and then she wanted to try a stand. She managed a bent stand for about a second. We were well chuffed.

Getting back down was not so easy or pain-free :-( With the nurses back in the room, we got her tilted back, but she must have tensed her stomach muscles and WE KNEW ABOUT IT !!!

I tried to take a photo of her sitting up, but it was forbidden under Karen’s Law. I had to settle for a picture of her lying on her side. Even then, as soon as she heard the click of the camera, she woke up and gave me WHAT FOR. I know what it must be like to be a cameraman in Iraq, or Afghanistan. Always teetering on the edge of death etc….

I didn’t dare take a photo of her a second later when looks would have killed.

No Morphine Here !

I forgot to also mention that today, she wanted to have a look at her new look flat stomach. It was my first proper peek, so we lifter her nighty and it looks awesome. kp wasn’t that impressed. I don’t think she had the angle I did. It is hugely improved. There’s a cat in hell’s chance that I’ll get a photo of that for the blog, but suffice to say, it is vastly improved !!

One Response to “Day 438 – Friday 7th July 2006 – Part Two”

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Hello Kp (and Dp – me Mam would kill me if I didn’t mention you)
    all the Dennisons are happy that you everything has gone well, if you are coming off the morphine soon, that is a good sign, so lets see less of the scowl. The tummy drain is expected, I had them in my back. When I was at Karen and Roys last weekend, Roy swears he has met David before, he laughed at the response to the barbie (i.e the best ever), but really glad you both enjoyed it.

    Don’t think its the last because it aint.

    It’s been a really weird day today, 1st anniversary of 7th July, I remember last year when you got David and Marie to call me after the bombs went off. I travelled in at my normal time today and guess what, I got a seat on the train and on both tubes. It sticks in peoples mind. One of my tubes stopped in the tunnel, normally I would think “bugger it”, today I thought “please move”. At 12 noon we had 2 minutes slience for the victims, it really took me back to where I was last year. The Police were every where today at the stations.

    So Mrs tummy tuck, I swear, as always, that you will be feeling so many benefits from this op. So grit those teeth and come out the other end a much stronger person, which I know you are. Hopefully will talk soon when I get you private number, in your private room. Dp you have got to sort out the main course.

    Love to all, including Debbie and Lydia in their navy blue uniforms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As always me and Irene were on the phone late Thursday evening, you know what she sends you

    Lots of Love

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