Archive for July 23rd, 2006

Day 453 – Sunday 23rd July 2006

Mixed bag of a day today.

Despite the pain patch, kp wasn’t feeling 100% right today physically.

kp:- I feel like my body isn’t working too well today.

dp:- Whaddya mean love ?

kp:- It feels slow and hard to do anything

I am hoping it is down to the dried up pain patch from yesterday and the new patch hasn’t properly kicked in yet.

As well as physically not being 100%, I think I saw the starts of a downer as well :-( Whenever her body lets her down, this tends to happen. But I kicked into action and kept her entertained. I am a bit concerned what will happen next week when I return to work.

Time will tell.

Today, kp and I read through the first 3 weeks of the blog. It was such a lovely day, we did it outside.


Click on the photo to enlarge it

A few tearful moments along the way, specifically when I was explaining the time Karen really wanted to come home with me on a night time. This is when she couldn’t get out of bed and was on IV drugs etc in the Intensive Care ward.

Heartbreaking. But we also had lots of laughs as well. It was great to see the pleasure on Karen’s face when we read the bits about her first waking up and some of the things she said to the nurses.

So, as I say, a mixed bag….

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