Day 271 – Tuesday 24th January 2006

At 11am, the Neuropsychologist arrived to see Karen. Karen had put her visit in the diary for the right time, but for a different week, so she was still fast asleep, completely oblivious to her arrival.

The NP and I had a chat first about kp, before I went to wake the dead.

kp:- I need a shower before I see her and I need to do my hair.
dp:- You haven’t got time to have a shower first, it’s not fair on X

So, Karen entered the room looking like “Tintin” with bouffante to match.

It was a good visit, and Karen and I both got a lot from it. One of the things that came up was how Karen felt she wasn’t the person she used to be. She feels she is slower and not as much fun. Well, she is slower, but she is just as much fun as always. The NP suggested the stroke might have also changed Karen for the better. She wanted Karen to ask key people in her life what is better about her since the stroke.

I was first.

kp (looking at me) :- What is better about me since the stroke ?
dp : Erm……………………………………………….

I felt like a deer stunned by a car’s headlights. I emerged from the stupor before it got embarassing and then I couldn’t be shut up.

The love and I karen share has got so much more intense than pre-accident, and we would have said then, that it couldn’t GET any more intense.

When Marie arrived, no sooner had she got through the door than she got the question. Marie couldn’t have been more spontaneous and told Karen how much more affectionate she is now. Karen never liked to be cuddled by family pre-accident, but now she does.

So, it was a good visit.

With the NP gone, we had a nice chat with Marie about her trip to Prague before going to the doctors for drugs and a sicknote.

Karen then wanted to go shopping to get some food in. Another one of her challenges she has set herself. I carried the basket (no change there !!!) and she shopped. I kept offering to get things that were tricky to reach, but she insisted she got them. She did really well.

When we got home, she packed the stuff away while I knitted with Marie in the front room. It all went well, until we heard an ALMIGHTY CRASH from the kitchen. Marie was up out of her seat before the noise finished, while all I could do was shout “ARE YOU OK ?”. (I was mid-line in my knitting and counting stitches too, so there was no way I was moving).

kp had dropped the 2 Litre milk carton. It didn’t burst so we’re ok. OH…and Karen is ok also ;-)

That’s it for today.

2 Responses to “Day 271 – Tuesday 24th January 2006”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Only me, just to say really enjoyed my visit today,great to catch up with all the weekends gossip.It was So nice to be able to sit and chat just like old times.It amazes me we never run out of stuff to talk about.Forgot to say David, your knitting is coming along great just so you dont feel left Marie x

  2. vdfromboro says:

    Things that haven’t changed since the stroke:
    1. You still don’t like swearing
    2. You are still not good in the morning
    3. You are still the central point for your family
    4. You still sort things out, you were even doing that from your hospital bed on the phone to me and various others, helping us.
    5. You still plan your diary and trips away
    6. You still laugh at mine and Janes jokes, even when we are taking the piss.
    7. You still organise “clinic” discussions, e.g. sat down for lunch on Friday and you said “right first we’ll talk about you and work”, you’d make such a good chair person at a meeting.
    8. Your laugh is as hearty as ever
    9. Your straight face when you are saying things which sends us into kinks of laughter and you say “what are you laughing at”
    ETC, etc I could go on and on.

    The best things since the stroke:
    1. The strength of your relationship with David, which is a joy to see, its always been there but now you are alot more open and obvious about it.
    2. You talk even more about yourself
    3. You put your arm around me when I’m leaving
    4. I’ve seen more of you
    5. You have always been my longest friend and now the friendship feels even stronger, like its embedded in stone.
    6. You have always been a strong person Karen, but the stroke has proven how strong and how determind you are. If we could all share just a bit of your determination we’d all be alot better off for it. Any going spare you know where to send it to.
    7. The stroke and the accident has put a lot of things in perspective for you, especially in terms of relationships and what is most important in life, we all need to take a leaf out of your book on this subject.
    8. Given your current limitations you are living life even more to the full. Prague, London and Spain trips,to mention just a few.

    Take care Karen, the recovery process will never go as quick as all of us would wish, but grey matter and the muscles will heel with time and exercises.

    Lots of Love

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