Archive for June 17th, 2005

Day 50 – Friday 17th June 2005 – Part One

kp had a great night’s sleep. She didn’t wake up until I stepped in the room at 8.20am.

Ate half her breakfast, had a little snooze followed by bedbath (dp) and wash of her hair (nurses). “Felt Great” she said.

Physio was the big event today. Yesterday she was able to slightly tweak her left thumb on request. Today, after some limbering up, she could wiggle her thumb quite a lot, which was AMAZING to see. kp was looking at her thumb saying “That’s me doing that !”. It was so funny and so heart warming it brought a tear to my eye.

Then another humorous moment. The physio moved her left hand to her chin and touched her chin with her thumb and asked her to “scratch your chin with your thumb”. Well, rather than wiggle her thumb to scratch her chin, she wiggled her chin to be scratched by her stationary thumb. Nice Try Love ! Eventually kp scratched her chin by wiggling her thumb.

Once this physio was over, she was moved to her chair, where she stayed for an hour whilst eating her Fish and Chips (1/2 fish, 4 chips).

More physio this afternoon

Day 50 – Friday 17th June 2005 – Part Two

kp lasted 1 hour in the chair and the physios returned later in the afternoon to do some exercises on the legs and left arm. They have left us with some exercises to do over the weekend.

We had a cracking belly laugh from kp tonight. I read out Veronica’s blog comment to her and when we got to the mention of Veronica reading out the contents of kp’s vomit, she grabbed her belly and laughed for ages. It’s weird watching her laugh as since they didn’t sew her stomach muscles up (only the outer skin), her laughs seem to make her nearly burst open. She isn’t in any pain, but she could bounce a ball a foot in the air with the amount her belly expands during laughter.

Uneventful Night really apart from that.

Few Bowel Problems which they are sorting. Very tired kp generally for most of the afternoon and evening, but that is a known side effect of a stroke.

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