Day 545 to 551 – Monday 30th October to Sunday 5th November 2006

Good week ! :-)

Last hydro sessions on Monday and Thursday. I think kp is generally relieved at the fact they are ending. They have been much more demanding since the previous physio left.

She has been referred on to the neuro physio, but we haven’t heard from her yet.

kp has been feeling really positive recently – which is great !

I have been trying to ge the work-home balance more in check and not doing so bad. Unfortunately, friday night saw one of our major customers have a mission-critical problem requiring me to work until 7.30pm on friday night :-( and then carrying on working on Saturday from 8.30am to 11am. Karen was “ok” about this, which was good. Unfortunately the odd call kept coming through on Saturday, but kp seemed to be ok.

We had a great Saturday, we went for a LONG walk (about 3/4 mile). kp did great – mounting a style along the way. Obviously, she needed my help, but she was keen to walk up the hill once past the style. I know kp’s limits better than her, so cut it short a 1/4 of the way up the hill.

Generally a great weekend. Strange last night last night. I was deep in a dream, and in my dream I asked Karen something (can’t remember what), let’s say “Where do you want to go shopping tomorrow ?”. Immediately after I had asked the question in my dream, Karen replied (strong voice, sleep talking) “We’ll go to Tescos if Sainsbury’s is shut.”

MAJOR TWILIGHT ZONE feeling. It was so weird. It was as if our minds were connected. Generally a good week. kp is very positive at the moment, which helps me feel good about life.

Hopefully another good week this week

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