Day 374 – Friday 5th May 2006

Generally, a better day today.

I took the two dogs for a walk today. The whole rhythm of the walk was different as you can imagine, but we still had a nice walk without Cleo.

We had an appointment with the stroke consultant today to discuss progress. We had a nice chat with her for about an hour. We brought up about kp’s inability to go through the night without a number of commode experiences. She arranged for kp to have an ultrasound there and then, but all seemed in order. kp has been given a 4-day chart she has to fill in of how much she drinks and how much she contributes to the local sewer. They think that everything will be ok, and kp just has to relearn when she needs the loo. In other words, when she THINKS she needs it in the night, she doesn’t. This feels right.
On the way back from this visit, kp wanted to go to B & Q to pick up a lounging garden seat (they type you can lie down on). We found a really comfy one, and I encouraged kp to try it out in the shop, to make sure she could get on it. It would be a two stage process. Sit on it first (and it was VERY low) and then fall back (with my help) was what we had in mind.  Unfortunately, the location of the recliner was immediately in front of the entrance, and kp was frightened she wouldn’t be able to get down there (all the way) or back up. Well, I helped kp (as best I could) sit on it, but immediately……

kp:- David, get me up, get me up !

She was laughing.

kp:- I’d never get up from that if I got down. It’ll be fine at home
I tried it and kp took the photo I would have took.

On the way back to the car park I took a photo of kp and her sunglasses. kp’s sunglasses are completely broken but she loves them. The left lens (right as you look at the picture) is very loose and folds over the other lens if you want it to. Not sure you can see it too well from this photo.

We popped in at the garden centre to get some hanging baskets, but they didn’t have any (too early), so kp bought some strawberry plants.

When we got home, Adele had arrived to clean our house and was well stuck in.

So, kp planted her strawberries……Note the pink surgical glove so she doesn’t get mud under her fingernails !!!!

kp explained to Adele how to plant strawberries…..

Not content just to plant strawberries, kp then went round the yard trying to bend down and take weeds out, but that was a non-starter, so guilty-feeling dp ended up doing it after seeing kp try so hard.

No snooze for today – kp did very well ! It was a glorious day. By the time she finished gardening, she was already aching and I know tomorrow she will pay for her attempts today.

I offered to take Adele home on the bike. Here she is (with kp) all togged up. She is my biker chick !

Whilst I was taking adele home, kp said she wanted to try and have a bath on her own. On my return, she told me she didn’t enjoy it at all. She was too nervous about getting in and out on her own, but she feels like it will be better next time.

One Response to “Day 374 – Friday 5th May 2006”

  1. marie says:

    well done with todays efforts you seem to have achieved loads . lm looking forward to home grown also had a very busy day,l took louisa to the charity stall she was very well behaved and mandy was there to lend a helpjng hand,she took lou off to the park for a while so she wouldnt get bored.then off to pick abbie up fom school visit to the shops and home.We had tea in the garden then lou had big bowl of water to play tipping and pouring whilst abbie and l did some gardening,we also done some planting of seeds l am really burned like a lobster.abbie told me she had written you a letter,she is so caring at times.Oh forgot we also went to the cemetary with flowers for Lees garden,louisa being her normal self “miss independant” l help, l help well she wanted to put the fowers in the vase but not where l told her to instead she went round the other side and promtly fell into the rose tree in the next plot,poor little thing was scratched all over her back and arms and her curls were tangled with can just imagine her saying “it really really hurts nannie”its been a tiring day but a nice up to £430 tomorrow is last day but weather is not good forcast so not sure if we will make the £500.loved the photos on blog today .have you got a free weekend or do you have plans l will check in with you at some point tomorrow love marie xx

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