Archive for April 7th, 2006

Day 344 – Friday 7th April 2006

Both had a cracking night’s sleep for the second night running.

Well rested when we got up. Marie came over today with Kieran (stepson (17)) for 2 nights. Kieran is jobbing on for us around the house which is good :-)

Karen and Marie went to get their hair done. Here they are coming out of the hairdressers.

Marie’s son died of leukemia in 2001 (aged 18) and whilst he was in remission he planted a “Weeping Willow” in our front garden. Karen and I had arranged a little plaque to go in front of the tree and it arrived today – perfect timing for Marie to see it.

I set it up while the ladies were frittering money away on their hair.

Marie did a double take when she saw it, but I think she was pleased.

I asked the ladies to pose in front of it for the blog, but I couldn’t seem to get them in, so kp suggested they bend down. Well, it got them in the frame, but I can’t say it makes the best picture in the world, what with Lee’s branches masking their faces.

We are off out tonight for a meal with Tommy and Eileen, Kieran and Marie, so that should be nice.

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