Archive for February 21st, 2006

Day 298 – Monday 20th February 2006 – Addendum

Something I forgot to mention yesterday.

When we went to the local co-op to get some shopping, kp started looking round for items on the list.

kp:- I can’t see anything. I can’t seem to focus.

She went on to describe how she couldn’t read the labels as quickly as she could before.

Another thing in the shop which I should record is when Geraldine (our next but one door-neighbour) came up behind Karen and said “hello” to me (because I saw her first). kp turned round to look who it was, and immediately looked at me with the biggest scared face as if to say “WHO IS IT ?”.

I told kp it was Geraldine, and she apologised to Geraldine for not recognising her. I think she understood. Unusual for kp not to recognise her though.

Day 299 – Tuesday 21st February 2006

Well, kp and I had a bit of a bad night’s sleep. We got up about 2am and went back to bed about 3am. The events of the day were still on our minds.

Today was a new day however, and we didn’t discuss yesterday apart from to say we felt better about things. Probably because we had visitors due in the afternoon.

At about 1pm, Angela and Chrissy (workmates of Karen’s) came to visit. Chrissy had baked 2 lovely cakes which was very kind of her. We all enjoyed hours of chinwagging with a mini-buffet that kp and I had both prepared. It was a really nice afternoon.

Angela mentioned that the driver of the vehicle was going to be sentenced in March, and that it wouldn’t be referred up to Crown Court. So, I think we are intending to go to that.

We had a lovely blog comment from Adele, which I think cheered kp up a bit, which was nice.

That’s it for today.

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