Archive for November 27th, 2005

Day 213 – Sunday 27th November

Karen’s New Tricks

I forgot to mention some achievements that kp has been dead chuffed about over the last couple of weeks.

About 2 weeks ago, she mentioned trick #1

She could wash her right hand with her left hand. She was keen to demonstrate it. I looked on. She was basically opening her left hand whilst rubbing her right hand around her left hand. It was a little sad to see, but the fact she is thinking about using it more (without prompting) is excellent.

Last night………..she announced that she could pull her right sleeve up her arm with her left hand. She basically used her left finger to hook the sleeve and 50% of the movement was her left hand holding the sleeve so it couldn’t move, and the other 50% was kp moving her right arm in the direction so her sleeve would go up.

It’s all things she couldn’t do a few weeks ago…….I am very pleased she is so chuffed at her new achievements.

Day 213 – Sunday 27th November – Addendum

Lovely day today. I walked the dogs in the freezing sleet this morning and by the time I had come back HHL#1 had got kp up, washed down and sitting having a cup of tea in the front room.

It was lovely to see her looking out at me as I walked the dogs past the window. She was lovely, warm and cosy and I was dripping and cold :-)

I treat the girls to a cooked breakfast this morning. Tracey (on a diet) had something that looked like cardboard. It didn’t look quite as nice as our Bacon and Eggs :-)

After our late breakfast, kp went back to bed until teatime when it was my treat again – Roast Chicken and all the trimmings. It was lovely not have to wash up :-)

We have had a nice evening together and the weekend has gone all too fast. Tracey and Marge fly to Southampton early tomorrow morning. It was lovely having them, really lovely. It was a real bonus that they did loads of jobs while they were here also – thanks Ladies !!

Look forward to your January visit.

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