Day 458 – Friday 28th July 2006
I went to work in the morning, but Karen got up for a cup of tea with me before I had to leave. She returned to bed before I left.
Once back from work, Ronnie, kp & I went to Wolsingham to walk the dogs and to see if Bonnie could swim. kp is keen to increase her stamina and beat the 1/2 mile distance record. We wouldn’t have been far off today, not bad, considering she is only on a 75 and 25 patch (we had run out of 100′s).
The dogs enjoyed the water, messing around on a plateau of 2 inch deep water, but they both made the mistake of thinking everywhere they were was just an inch deep and both of them ran off into a 3 metre deep pool – Yes, they could swim. But they couldn’t get out, cue dp to pull them out by their necks.
Here are Ronnie and kp on the walk…..