Archive for July 18th, 2006

Day 449 – Tuesday 18th July 2006

Bad Night for kp.

kp:- I didn’t sleep a wink.

dp:- But you were snoring at 7am when I got up, love.

kp:- Well, I didn’t have a good night’s sleep.

To be fair, she didn’t, I awoke a few times in the night and she wasn’t there. I thought maybe she had another fella, but I couldn’t be arsed investigating any further than that.

Today, Marge has been jobbing on continously. I can’t even recall what she has done, but pretty much every room has been tampered with in some way. Thanks Marge !! You’re a star. Amazing what OAP’s can do !

Tonight, we went back to the Washington BUPA hospital to get kp’s staples out. The surgeon was “very pleased” with how quickly kp was back on her feet and he was VERY proud of his work and the left-over incision. It is very good even from a layman’s point of view.

I managed to get kp “sign off” to post a picture of kp with the staples in.

kp with staples

With all the staples out, we went to Sainsbury’s shopping and then retired early.

Some other good news. I have finally finished the blog “book style” version. I will be releasing it over the weekend. Karen is really looking forward to reading it. A lot of hard work has gone into it. For those interested, it contains…..

  1. A prologue explaining where kp and I were in our lives pre-accident
  2. Details of the accident itself, including witness statements from police and others, including photos
  3. An immediate aftermath report, detailing what people at the scene of the accident did to help kp and the other victims.
  4. The first 3 weeks of the blog have been substantially changed or added to in order to paint a much fuller picture for Karen

It was quite upsetting for me to do but I know kp will be interested to fill in these missing weeks.

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