Day 382 – Saturday 13th May 2006
Cracking day yesterday. kp seems free of pain and full of the joys of life at the moment. It’s “all good” on the kp front.
Slept like logs (only 1 loo trip for kp, which is really good). We did get up at 3.30am to watch the thunderstorm, but that was by choice. It was very impressive against the black sky.
Leisurely morning with breakfast (courtesy of mum). It was very peaceful and then the peace ended……
With the arrival of “The Family”…Jane, Guy, Sophie and Jamie.
Went swimming at Dad’s hotel with the kids who are startiing to get a bit more used to kp and I being around all the time. Dad did a barbecue (photos to follow) and the kids were in bed by 7pm. Poker night followed.
Mum and Dad were wiped out early on. Mum later said…….
Mum:- Well, I think I know why I lost now. I don’t think I really understood the rules. This is after going out on her “cracking” hand of “3 of a kind and a pair” as she called it. That would be the 3 cluibs, 4, diamonds, 5 hearts (3 of a kind !!!!!) and two 9′s.
Dad didn’t fare much better, going “ALL IN” with two 4′s ! Easy money for the rest of us.
Mum and Dad returned to the hotel and we finished off with Jane emerging the victor.
May 14th, 2006 at 11:34 am
Sounds like you are having a great time, you are all in the best place as the Pollards have taken all the sun to Spain! Not a glimmer of it here.
Can’t wait for more tails
I think we could make a TV comedy sit com with quotes from Mr & Mrs P senior
May 14th, 2006 at 1:40 pm
Hopefully, there’ll be one a day vd – it keeps us entertained !