Archive for May 9th, 2006

Day 378 – Tuesday 9th May 2006

Great day today.

I walked the dogs and kp was up at 8.30am when I returned so we enjoyed breakfast in the glorious sunshine outside.

We then both went for a snooze until lunchtime. kp was feeling very positive (100 patch today ?). I have been working on the blog book and she has kept herself amused all day watching tv, spending time outside with the dogs and making tea AGAIN !!! Something more ambitious this time – Steak Pie. All I have been called is potato peeling and cutting the stewing steak up.

She seems to be challenging herself every day at the moment and is relishing the success she is having with most things. I have told her how proud of her I am.

A little funny I forgot to mention from yesterday………….

kp can get in the car fine, but she can’t get out of the car without my help. When she gets her stomach muscles sewn up, she should have the strength to straighten herself up but for now, she relies on me to pull her up.

Well, when I get Karen sitting up in the front seat (so she can swing her feet out), I always grunt (with the effort involved). I have done it for as long as I can remember.

kp:- Do you mind not grunting when you get me up ?

dp:- Sorry love

kp:- It’s just it makes me feel like a burden.

We had a laugh about it. It’ll be a hard habit to kick ! Grunt !

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