Day 294 – Thursday 16th February 2006 – The Concert
Well, tonight was X Factor Live at the Metro Radio Arena. We allowed an hour to get to Newcastle, but it took us 90 mins, 60 of those minutes were the last 1/2 mile, because of road restrictions and a broken down car. So, we missed the first 30 minutes of the concert. It was Chico Time that we missed, so no big loss !
Abbie was not feeling very well during the first half and had to leave her seat a couple of times to be sick. But after she threw her guts up, she felt fine and wanted to stay for the second half.
It was a good concert actually, and all the performances were tip top. Journey South and Shayne particularly shone !!
On the way home, another long journey (60 mins), we stopped for a chip butty and then we all went to bed.
Here is Abby’s blog version of events……