Day 13 – Monday 9th May 2005

More progress today………….

“05:00am – Blinks to command”

And the oxygen levels were reduced down to 35%…


Click on photo to enlarge

We had another meeting with the consultant for another update on how well she was doing…………..

“Discussed with family, explained….

1- Awaiting plan for pelvis, apparently surgeons from Sunderland due to assess on Wednesday
2-Neurology uncertain, awaiting sedation to wear off
3-probably ICU neuropathy
4-damage from accident

Keen to know chances of survival. Explained unable to give a figure. Doing better than on admission but risks of
1. Pelvic Surgery
2. Further infections therefore may not survive this”


Click on photo to enlarge

And her latest trick at 6pm………………


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