Day 194 – Tuesday 8th November
kp was full of beaming smiles today when I arrived. I think she is getting excited about coming home and can see the end of the first battle is in sight. It was lovely to be greeted by such a beautiful smile.
We went straight to do the bath thang. After the bath, I normally apply a new dressing to kp’s buttock wound (It’s healing nicely, and you can’t see any hole now, just 2 pieces of skin that are joining together), but the area around the wound is really angry and inflamed, so I thought it may be the wound may be healed enough to stop putting the dressing on. The inflamed bit is from where the sticky bit of the dressings touches the skin. And it gets very sore and itchy for kp (a bad combination). So, today, I asked one of the Sisters to have a look. She thought that kp was allergic to the dressing, but she believed that we should try it for a while without a dressing !
That means kp has NO more dressings anywhere ! – Yay !
Once the sister had left, and just before I got her dressed, kp looked at her stomach wound and said :-
kp:- “That’s not right”.
It is a HUGE wound, it starts just below the breasts, can I say “breasts”, better say “chest area”, and goes all the way down to about belt level. The scar is a wide scar, probably an inch at its widest, 1cm at its narrowest, but there are the usual stitch marks that make it even wider. I would say about 10 inches wide at about 10 intervals from top to bottom.
kp:- “That’s not right”
dp:- “Whaddya mean love ?”
kp:- “It should be that big, the scar”
dp:- “Well, I don’t think they had time to do pinhole surgery. It was more a case of ‘She’s going to die. Slash her open, get her innards out onto the table and check for bleeding.’”
kp:- “Yer, I know that, but it shouldn’t be that big !”
I don’t think kp likes her scar (understandably) and I can’t see her wearing any more bikinis or thongs. Perhaps that’s a blessing.
We went for lunch at Quenellies, Chicken Korma for me and Hot Beef Sandwich + chips for kp. Lovely.
Back for a 20-minute lie-down before Physio.
One of the auxiliary nurses (AN) popped in to see kp to tell her a story.
AN:- I have been telling porkies.
kp:- What do you mean ?
AN:- I told X (another nurse) that David brought you back in after the weekend on his motorbike. I said “I tried to tell him that she wasn’t really well enough to go on a motorbike”, but he wouldn’t listen to me, just being an auxiliary.
kp:- Did she believe it ?
AN:- Aye. She wasn’t very happy with David.
We found this very funny. So, I may be getting it in the neck, unless someone tells her first !! Hope they do.
Physio was based on right hip loosening today. The main man moved kp into all sorts of angles to try and get her hip muscles to slacken a bit. After that, it was time for kp to do another timed walk.
Last time, swotty bloggers will remember that kp did 10m in 35 seconds, taking 40 paces. Today, she whopped a massive 7 seconds off that, and only took 35 paces. In other words, her strides are getting longer and she is walking more normally. It was very impressive, although Daley Thompson would no doubt brag that he can do 10m in just over a second. But he isn’t wearing Karen’s slippers which really slow her down.
Physio over, it was time to tuck kp up for bed and make tracks.
Good day. Only 2 more nights and then she is home for good Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock…….