by David Pollard — published on July 18th, 2005
I was pleased to hear kp had had a good sleep as I had left her in a bit of pain.
Not much to report from this morning.
We saw the doctor about kp’s breakthrough pain, and he has upped the Fentanol Patch to 100mg. That should do the trick we hope. kp was very subdued today, and hardly speaking at all.
She wanted a bath but not for the pleasure of it, more for the effectiveness of a real bath over a bedbath.
The bath was a real trial for kp. I couldn’t find the hoist canvas bit that goes under kp and lifts her out of bed. So we had to make do with a portable hoist one which requires a different hoist. I moved kp around to fit that, and then the nurse that came round said we couldn’t use that.
She went looking for a real hoist canvas and found one on a different ward. We turned kp twice to get that in place etc blah blah blah.
The bath itself was just as trying for various reasons and poor kp was knackered by the end of it.
As soon as kp was back in her room and comfy she was out for the count.
She didn’t want to wake up for lunch but was persuaded and wolfed down some nice Gammon and Sponge and Custard for dessert.
Fast asleep after lunch within minutes
by David Pollard — published on July 18th, 2005
Couple of hours sleep in the afternoon. She woke up asking me for some water. Didn’t even realise I had gone and Marie and Glenn were there.
Jane B. arrived and did a bit of a show to cheer kp up which is great Jane thanks. BUT THEN, she let Karen down by eating one of her curly wurlys. Never eat Karen’s curly wurlys if you want to stay friends with kp. Actually, Karen isn’t keen on curly wurlys but I love them.
Mum and Dad visited tonight. In fact, they are UP NORTH for the whole week, which means the house should be spotless when they leave and I will get some good food and company. There is one down side to having parents up however, namely they don’t hesitate to criticise you. Apparently I have made a spelling mistake in the blog. LOL. I know that I spelt cocchyx wrong at some point and the drugs could be spelled wrong, but I give up about what it is. So there’s a quiz for you Ronnie. What have I misspelt ?
Mum had kp in stitches tonight unintentionally. It was a belly holding moment. kp had asked me to move her. So I got in the right position to begin the move and mum had stood up out of the way.
Mum:- 1………….2………………3…………….
I let mum finish the count out and then looked at her…………….
dp:- What are you doing Mum ?
Mum:- I just thought I would help by counting for you.
Well, we were all laughing. I still smile when I think of it. I then relayed the tale of Marie’s counting attempts when she couldn’t get to 3 for laughing which again made Karen laugh. So, lots of laughing tonight which was good.
But……….why is there always a but………….?
kp started to get jitters. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it. She wasn’t in pain, but couldn’t lie still for more than 5-10 mins before a move was needed. Even then, between moves she was fidgeting all the time with her legs (which she finds very hard to move in the first place). It got so bad, I asked the Sister if we could see her. She came and reassured kp of a few things it could be and a few ways out which we could try. We put a couple of them in place tonight (Diclofenac and removal of DVT Socks). Fingers crossed they sort it out, otherwise kp is in for one helluva night.