Day 54 – Tuesday 21st June – Part One

I was 15 minutes late today. Knowing kp would worry, I phoned the Ward Clerk and asked her to pass on the message that I would be late. It didn’t get passed on. kp was starting to worry. I was annoyed.

kp felt in good form today. She was full of life. She ate a piece of toast and drank some tea. The Sister came in to talk about the amount of food kp is eating. She was worried that she wasn’t eating enough and that if she didn’t eat more, her wounds wouldn’t heal quickly. The talk did good and kp polished off ALL her lunch. In the meantime, the housekeeper came in with about 10 different types of supplement build-up meals for Karen to try in case she ever didn’t fancy a meal. That was very kind of her. The Sister is also contacting the dietician to discuss other possibilities.

As soon as Wimbledon started, kp started watching it on the TV. I am very relieved she can watch Tennis on the TV, as it would have been very upsetting for her and the family if she hadn’t have been able to see the ball and enjoy her sporting highlight of the year.

No physio in the morning, it must be this afternoon.

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