2 Responses to Day 386/7 – Tuesday 16th May 2006 / Wednesday 17th May 2006

  1. Marie Donovan says:

    sorry karen but lv just laughed my socks off reading that blog l could just imagine the mayhem.then it reminded me of when we were threre we had a night like that too.lm laughing now but it will be a different storyin august.the dogs looked quite confused at me laughing so loud . thats been the highlight of my day.hope you have a lovely evening xx

  2. vdfromboro says:

    Hey you Kp, listen up, step by step OK, no giving in, but in other
    words if you don’t like it, can me and Jane replace you and Dp :-) in August!! :-)
    I’ve just watched the match that Mr Dp senior was hoping to see, what a game, bad ref, very courageous Arsenal.
    I drove all the way back from Leamington Spa this p.m in the RAIN, all the way, so you guys are blagging the sun.
    Kp it’s an insect, I think your anger comes from the fact that at the moment you can’t jump up and squash it, or I think you may not have done that anyway.Take care you two or should I say all of you. Love Veronica

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