One Response to Day 374 – Friday 5th May 2006

  1. marie says:

    well done with todays efforts you seem to have achieved loads . lm looking forward to home grown also had a very busy day,l took louisa to the charity stall she was very well behaved and mandy was there to lend a helpjng hand,she took lou off to the park for a while so she wouldnt get bored.then off to pick abbie up fom school visit to the shops and home.We had tea in the garden then lou had big bowl of water to play tipping and pouring whilst abbie and l did some gardening,we also done some planting of seeds l am really burned like a lobster.abbie told me she had written you a letter,she is so caring at times.Oh forgot we also went to the cemetary with flowers for Lees garden,louisa being her normal self “miss independant” l help, l help well she wanted to put the fowers in the vase but not where l told her to instead she went round the other side and promtly fell into the rose tree in the next plot,poor little thing was scratched all over her back and arms and her curls were tangled with can just imagine her saying “it really really hurts nannie”its been a tiring day but a nice up to £430 tomorrow is last day but weather is not good forcast so not sure if we will make the £500.loved the photos on blog today .have you got a free weekend or do you have plans l will check in with you at some point tomorrow love marie xx

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