3 Responses to Day 440 – Sunday 9th July 2006

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Mrs P you have got your bra on!!! Looking good


  2. Sue Brady says:

    Hey Karen, great photo in the hospital, your six pack looks fab!!
    Great to get home so soon too, wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Will catch up when i get back from hols
    sue xx

  3. susayates says:

    Hi Karen

    Looking good. I know exactly what you are going through having had my abdominal hernia op as well. The first couple of days are strange and you suddenly realise how much you do use your tummy muscles but take it steady, order DP around as much as possible (tee hee) and rest up. A little gentle exercise every day and even if you feel it is taking hours to do anything, just do a little every day.

    Mum and Dad send love and best wishes and I know there is a card in the post (at least I hope there is, I put a stamp on it yesterday).


    Susa and Simon

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