2 Responses to Day 41 – Wednesday 8th June – Part One

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Hi Karen,
    go steady with that phone, Dp will be constantly topping it up now you are away with it.
    As said before Diazepam – great stuff, it also helps relax muscles, apparantely. Hope you have sweet Diazepam dreams tonight(Wednesday). I know how your limbs feel when they’ve stiffend up – I’m just the same after the gym, yeh your right “what gym?”
    Well Dp you’ve been called to task twice this week – was it the same when you were at school.
    Take care you two
    Here’s to more belly laughs tomorrow

  2. David Pollard says:

    I was very well behaved at school actually VD !!! But now I am in my teens, I am rebelling a bit.

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