3 Responses to Day 283 – Sunday 5th February 2006

  1. Anonymous says:

    gr8 photos looks like you had a good day.So glad pain patch worked well.David could you book me in for a blow dry,seriously you did a great job with Karens hair looks as good as hairdressers.10 out of 10 for todays efforts you two.See you tomorrow luv Marie

  2. sue brady says:

    I agree, hair looks fab, as does karen. Can you see if you have a space in the diary for us to get together, might have to wait a while as you are gadding about a bit eh?! will email you.
    sue xx

  3. vdfromboro says:

    Hello Karen,
    just had to say you are looking top dollar babe (I know you hate that word), just had to say top job also on the hair David. Great photo’s. I know it masks alot of pain Karen, but hopefully the pleasure in getting out and about is greater. Good stuff.

    The sign sounds very grand, people will be driving by expecting to see a vacancies board with something so impressive.

    Great stuff and see you both tomorrow at Kings Cross, I have no ideas for lunch, as I don’t know that bit of London well, but I’m sure we’ll sort something.

    Have a good journey

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