One Response to Day 213 – Sunday 27th November

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Well Tracy and Margret can visit mine anytime, what with cleaning and home prepared food for the freezer, bloody marvellous.

    Was over at Geraldines Friday
    Went to Karen and Roys last night, they cooked a great 3 course meal. Showed them the Homecoming DVD, everytime another song came on our Karen went “Bloody hell, sob, sob, sob” and reached for another tissue. They both thought you looked brillian Karen and were certainly not expecting you to look as nimble etc when walking. Karen reckons it could be a top selling Christmas DVD, if released for charity. They send their love

    Sounds like you are having a great weekend chilling out in Eshwinning.

    Speak soon
    Take care

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