One Response to Day 166 – Tuesday 11th October

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Dp god knows what price Gill paid, I was never any good at percentages, jese louise, it’s not as if kp is taking O’level maths , tell the NP to take a chill pill.
    Anyway Kp glad you had a good day out today. Lunch, bathrooms, visiting Marie!! I can’t believe that you hadn’t sussed Maries loo up the stairs.
    I’ve just had Irene on the phone, I feel so sorry for her. Cynthia her neighbour is leaving tomorrow. Cynthia’s husband died a few weeks ago. They all got on so well, now it’s like leaving Berwick Hills all over again.

    They were such good neighbours, Irene looking out for them, she seems to forget that Cynthia is 83 and Irene is soon to be 80.

    We (the family) were so lucky that Irene and Kieth had such nice neighbours when they moved in. It looks like we’ll all have to step up the mark, Irene is feeling so lonely without Cynthia.

    Anyway I’m off to Mam and Dads on Thursday.

    As always she asked about yourself and David tonight. Her admiration for you is, well ……. find out the next time you see her.

    Lots of Love

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