4 Responses to Day 400 – Tuesday 30th May 2006

  1. vdfromboro says:

    Hi ya Karen,
    I was going to call just after I’d read the blog, but its obviously not a good time. Now listen, anger aside, which we all feel, but not in the same way as you, I know that but I can’t do any thing about it, but what I can tell YOU IS THAT THIS OPERATION is going to make so MUCH DIFFERENCE. You know I’ve always said that and you know I would not lie to you. The biology of our bodies is simple, the stomach acts as the “girddle” for the WHOLE of your body. It dictates your posture, how you sit, how you walk, how you get out of bed, how you put your knickers on, how you put a pair of socks on, how you bend down, how you use your legs. I’m angry alright, but what I’m more angry with is the NHS leaving your stomach like this for so long. You can’t put a price on how this operation is going to make you feel so much better in 6 months time and as you know you have two beatiful bathrooms and who cares, look at my shitty little bathroom. Bathrooms aren’t important, what is important is you feeling alot more confident about your body. Sorry to go on mate, but its my anger and frustration that is coming out also. Having been through back ops on the NHS (with very little after care i.e. physio) and back ops in the private sector I would check out the price as it seems too good. What you also need to know is what type of follow up you will need, my last back op (privately) cost £15,000 just for the op and stay in hospital, even though I discharged myself after 5 days, should have been in for 10 – bugger that. Karen I just so do not want you to get down about this, its the last piece of the puzzle but its going to be the best piece. Yes there will be limitations in terms of the surgeons ability to connect all muscles, but believe me the price is worth paying. Bloody hell, I’ll pay it now for you, I’m so excited by the outcome. Yes there will still be the stroke to deal with, but you will deal with it so much better by having a stronger set of stomach muscles – can he do a tummy tuck for me at the same time? PLEASE, PLEASE, try not to fear the operation, they are only dealing with muscle, there will be very little nerve pain. They will have you out of bed in no time, next day I expect, so its not going to be like before. You know I’ve always believed in this last op and then you can really start on your physio. Take care my friend, I’ll see you Friday evening.
    Lots of love

  2. vdfromboro says:

    As BT says its GOOD TO TALK

  3. AP says:

    Karen – I so agree with everything ‘Vron’ has commented so you must be extremely positive about this op like you were when we were talking on Sunday.

    Don’t worry about a thing – you will look and feel fabulous when it is all over.

    Don’t worry about the money as JKP is in charge of that so you will still be able to carry on with the bathrooms!

    Keep thinking positively and looking forward.

    All our love – JKP and AP

  4. tracey says:

    Hi Karen, I was going to ring you to see how you got on but I will leave it until tomorrow. I hope you get a good night’s sleep and things feel more positive then. It is perfectly normal to feel angry Karen, and feel afraid of going into hospital and facing another operation after what you have been through, but it is different to before, you are stronger now and it is only for a short time, and you will feel so much better afterwards, so try not to worry Karen. I know it is easy for us to say, thinking of you and sending you all my love, Take care, love Tracey xxx

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