2 Responses to Day 40 – Tuesday 7th June – Part Two

  1. Margo says:

    WONDERFULL news Karen so pleased about your sight.Even better you are eating keep it up kid.How about you lifting your arm that high good or what, bloody smashing thats what.
    David why do you have to be careful what you put on the blog if it is the truth. Keep up the great work all of you and you kp
    keep on eating. Margo

  2. Jane Boxall says:

    OH Well Done KP

    What a clever girl !!!! Thrilled to bits that the movement is coming back – that must be a huge relief Karen and DP. I am so happy for both of you – its been a little bit of progress every day and then all of a sudden – a huge leap into orbit and KP lifts her arm, reads a card, eats a meal, phones Marie – fantastic KP. I bet David is dancing !! I am so pleased that the sickness thing has gone – now KP can eat something substantial – she will have a lot more energy to do these things – read, phone, lift arms, legs etc. OH KP – well done – you are a star. Speak to you soon.
    Lots of Love

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