One Response to Last Blog Entry

  1. vdfromboro says:

    To David
    last but not least; THANKS to you David for your unquestioning support and belief in Karen, for providing us all with a means of communication, even though you had to help me when first posting a comment, god knows what all this twitter stuff is about, don’t get it myself, just glad I don’t have to use it.
    I thought the blog would reduce the number of calls to Jane, but it never did, but her voice always stopped me from diving into a panic.

    Thanks also to fellow bloggers, especially Deborah and Lydia for joining in with the fun in the early days when trying to bring a light hearted approach with my quizzes.

    The ultimate thanks goes to Karen, my number one, who gave me the chance to have a break from all that was happening at home and to Mary who gave me belief in myself, when all around saw failure.
    Here’s to Karen and David.
    Lots of love

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