R22 Checklist

Written by David Pollard on July 1st, 2009

One of the tricky things I am finding is to remember all the startup/shutdown checks to get the helicopter safely started and ready to go.

Initially, I found a checklist off the web, and it was good, but there was no logical order to it, that was conducive to the eventual remembering of all the items.

I then tried an app for my iphone called AirCheck. For a £1, it was worth a go, but I find securing the iphone on my kneepad a little unwieldy. And it got in the way of writing down bits and bobs from the R/T.

So, I decided to make my own in Excel. It’s here in case it may be of use to anyone following a similar path. It is customised for Newcastle (EGNT), with the frequencies on, but that’s easily changed.

I have grouped the items in such a way, that there’s a hierarchical structure, the aim being, that I hope to remember the top-level structure and then the smaller sub-items over time.

Click Here to download it. It’s been created in the latest version of Excel, so use that to maintain the formatting, although it may work in other versions.

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