Revise Revise Revise

Written by David Pollard on August 5th, 2009

Been doing some working out. If all goes to plan and I am ready for the PPL(H) practical test by 45 hours, I am over half way through the flying side of things. That’s the good news.

The bad news is I am therefore behind on the theory side of things, having sat only 3 of the theory exams out of 7. So, I’ve decided to throttle back on the practical side until I’m evened up. Which is a shame, ‘cos today was perfect flying weather :-( And I’ve been revising Helicopter Technical I think it’s called this week, basically how helicopter’s manage to fly, how the engine works, weights and balance and things like that.

But, I still need my fix, so hopefully tomorrow’s lesson will provide that.

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