Comments on: Day 318 – Sunday 13th March 2006 Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:18:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Anonymous Sun, 12 Mar 2006 22:45:00 +0000 I was hoping that you would be feeling a bit better as the day went on Karen,good job ld gone home when the tears started because l would have joined in .I dont think David could cope with us about CRY ME A RIVER l think it would have been more like an ocean,but seriously sometimes a good cry works wonders getting rid of all the pent up feelings and might wake up tomorrow and think did l really feel that bad had days and nights that you think theres no way you could possibly get through them and the next day totally different. l think thats where the phraze"what a difference a day makes" comes from,anyway thats what l really hope its going to be for you.l dont really know what else to say to you both except keep doing what you have been doing for the past eleven months YOU ARE WINNING even if it dosn`t feel like it at times, it wont always feel this bad.Were all in this together l just wish l could lighten the load for you two love as always Marie xxx I was hoping that you would be feeling a bit better as the day went on Karen,good job ld gone home when the tears started because l would have joined in .I dont think David could cope with us about CRY ME A RIVER l think it would have been more like an ocean,but seriously sometimes a good cry works wonders getting rid of all the pent up feelings and might wake up tomorrow and think did l really feel that bad had days and nights that you think theres no way you could possibly get through them and the next day totally different. l think thats where the phraze”what a difference a day makes” comes from,anyway thats what l really hope its going to be for you.l dont really know what else to say to you both except keep doing what you have been doing for the past eleven months YOU ARE WINNING even if it dosn`t feel like it at times, it wont always feel this bad.Were all in this together l just wish l could lighten the load for you two love as always Marie xxx
