Comments on: Day 144 – Monday 19th September Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:18:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: yvonne yvonne Mon, 19 Sep 2005 18:21:00 +0000 hiya karen and david,i always feel so upset when karen is upset,i cant say im suprised that the question "why me" comes up. it must be a sign of getting better though,because although she is upset,its because in her mind she just wants to be better and independant. just tell her to hang in there, shes great anyway as it is. miss you on saturdays, im sure the bus driver will be in a right panic now, not seeing me for 2 yvonnexx dave sends his love from the u.s.a.xx hiya karen and david,i always feel so upset when karen is upset,i cant say im suprised that the question “why me” comes up. it must be a sign of getting better though,because although she is upset,its because in her mind she just wants to be better and independant. just tell her to hang in there, shes great anyway as it is. miss you on saturdays, im sure the bus driver will be in a right panic now, not seeing me for 2 yvonnexx dave sends his love from the u.s.a.xx
